公司簡介 |
英皇集團於1942年成立,一直堅守與時並進的信念,勇往直前、努力不懈。集團經營接近70載,當中經歷過不少艱鉅挑戰,但在集團員工的共同努力下,都能夠一一克服,使集團規模得以不斷擴展。 英皇集團源於鐘錶零售業務,其後不斷擴展,至今成為業務多元化的上市集團,經營範圍包括金融、地產、鐘錶珠寶、娛樂電影、酒店、出版印刷、傢俬及飲食。集團近年致力開拓海外市場,積極擴展業務至中國內地、澳門、泰國、印尼、朝鮮、美國和歐洲等地。集團於各地設有附屬公司及分支機構500多間,聘有員工 7,000多人,優秀的團隊為集團屢創佳績。
Established in 1942, Emperor Group has always stood by its principle of keeping up with the times, courageously advancing forward and unwavering commitment to be the very best. In our nearly 70 years of operation, the Group has gone through countless difficulties and challenges yet with the support of our staff, we have conquered the challenges that came our way one by one and gradually achieved remarkable success. With its beginning as a watch retailer, Emperor Group has grown and expanded into a diversified group of listed companies that includes financial services, property, watch and jewellery, entertainment and films, hospitality, publishing and printing, furniture as well as catering under its wings. In recent years, the Group has ventured into overseas markets outside Hong Kong and expanded its foothold in Mainland China, Macau, Thailand, Indonesia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the United States and Europe. All these are made possible by the combined efforts of more than 7,000 employees and over 500 subsidiaries and branch offices of the Group.
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